Lip Care Tips: How to make your lips kiss worthy.
If there is one make up product that we all women, whatever walks of life we are in, have at least one that we owned and know how to use, it will be lipstick, right? It can be a matte, creamy, tint, or pencil lipstick but we all have tried one at least.
Since we wear lipstick every day and all day long, our lips are the most abused part of our body. You may be wondering why your lips are so dry and chapped even though you stay hydrated and put on lip balm every day. It’s because you are not taking care of it properly. But don’t you worry beauty, here are some helpful tips to make your lips kiss worthy.
TIP 1 - Moisturize and Hydrate your lips every day
To make any lipstick or tint to look good on your lips. it is quite important to start with a moisturized lips. This will make sure that it will not look chapped and creased.
TIP 2- Overnight Healing
If you have super dry and chapped lips, moisturizing your lips at night is a must. Since chapped lips need extra pampering putting a lip mask or patch will ensure you to have moist and soft lips upon waking up.

TIPS 3 - Exfoliate
To remove the dry skin on your lips, exfoliate once a week. Lip scrub is the best product you can use as the ingredients will remove the dead skin on lips but leaving it moist and soft.

Merlin lip Essenc
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